Teaching In Teaching English

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Nepal is a culturally diverse country so that the learners in Nepalese EFL classroom come from different cultural contexts. However, teaching practices in Nepal is largely guided by the western modern world views. Since 1954 B.S., Nepalese students have been formally learning English as a part of school curriculum. Government of Nepal has also invested much in mentoring to the English teacher. However, there has not been seen any remarkable success record of students’ performance in learning English. Many modern pedagogies for the sake of practical and effective teaching and learning have been introduced but these pedagogies have either been nominally used in the classroom or have been ineffective. In this context, I came across the view of…show more content…
Most probably, the reason behind the students’ failure is the ineffectiveness of the teaching methods and techniques. We usually practice the same teacher-centered methods and techniques ignoring the students’ cultural and linguistic diversities in course of classroom teaching. Maybe such practices have demotivated them from showing the progress. In order to address such problems, perhaps the idea of Ladson-Billings (1995) might be useful as he confers that culturally relevant pedagogy can be much helpful as it rests on three criteria or propositions: i) students must experience academic success; ii) students must develop and/or maintain cultural competence; and iii) students must develop a critical consciousness through which they challenge the current status quo of the social order. So, I intended to observe EFL classes in context of Nepal and appraise if the teachers practice culturally responsive pedagogy or not. Villegas and Lucas (2002) contends that teachers who are culturally responsive have a high level of sociocultural awareness, have positive views of students with diverse backgrounds, consider themselves change agents, adhere to constructivist views of teaching and…show more content…
Each arduous and genuinely conducted research has often come up with some important findings. So, this research also intends to explore EFL teachers’ practices whether they are culture friendly and culturally responsive or not. Furthermore, the study intends to appraise the challenges and possibilities of CRP in classroom teaching. Therefore, if the research can drag any important findings, it may serve as a new dimension in the field of EFL teaching in the context of

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