Cuban Missile Crisis Analysis

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Section B: In order to fully answer this question, the Cuban Missile Crisis has to be put into context. The Cuban Missile Crisis happened between the 16th and he 28th October 1962. After the Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961, other failed invasions on Cuba and the deployment of nuclear missiles around the Soviet Union in Turkey and Italy by the U.S. the Soviet Union decided to send nuclear missiles to Cuba secretly as a revenge for the missiles around their territory. Also they want to prevent the U.S. to invade Cuba. On the 14th October 1962 a reconnaissance aircraft spotted the nuclear missiles on Cuba. This was the beginning of the confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. During the Cuban Missile crisis the U.S. formed the Executive…show more content…
He supported the decision by the Committee to blockade Cuba from the beginning and tried to enlarge the blockade around Cuba by controlling Soviet ships. Furthermore he preferred the "Friday-offer" by Khrushchev. The offer consists of the removal of all nuclear missiles and other military stuff in Cuba by the Soviet Union if the U.S. promised not to invade Cuba. Whereas John F. Kennedy supported the deal of missiles to remove all missiles from Turkey in return for a removal of all missiles in Cuba. First Robert McNamara supported the idea because in his opinion it was "the best possible solution" (STERN 59). Later on he opposed the deal very hardly. He wanted to keep the pressure on the Soviet Union very high because they shut down U.S. reconnaissance aircrafts over Cuba where one soldier was killed. Also he further explained that the U.S. shouldn't show weakness to the Soviet Union and the publicity. Moreover he expressed his thoughts of an invasion of Cuba, however Kennedy rejected the idea. McNamara wanted to continue the surveillance of Cuba also after the U.S. reconnaissance aircraft was shut down and he wanted to introduce night surveillance. After the destroyed U.S. aircraft Kennedy wanted to stop the surveillance and opposed the idea of Robert…show more content…
Furthermore there was also resistance in the Executive Committee that I showed at the example of the Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara and the National Security Adviser McGeorge Bundy. Both showed very often resistance against the decisions of John F. Kennedy and tried to convince him with their opinion. But there were also decisions that both supported like the blockade around Cuba. In the population was also resistance against the decisions and the nuclear program. The people showed their resistance with demonstrations around the world and the

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