Cuban Missile Crisis Dbq Analysis

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A fight and conflict were both sides were in the wrong but saw themselves as nothing but right and were stubborn to their demands and sought world domination. The Soviet Union and the USA went back and forth with opposing threats. Both countries influence for motivations were to define strength. The world served as their battlefield and space as well. However one country was responsible for the creation of the conflict of the battle in general. The Soviet Union was more likely to blame for the escalating tension during the cold war because the supply of weapons, the Cuban missile crisis and the massive spread of communism. 4000 more RVS and 500 more ICMBs is a threat to any opposing figure according to document 9. The soviet had a mass amount of disparity when it came to the USA in terms of weapons. Just one of these ICMBS could blow up a city itself, and the Soviet Union had 500 more than the US. Having the advantage to destroy 500 more cities then an opponent can make a key difference. For example if the Soviet Union had a only one more ICMBS than it wouldn’t have been perceived, however 500 can make the difference of a whole state compared to one city .The Soviet Union threatened…show more content…
The Cuban Missile Crisis made the US feel as if they were upon the radar of the Soviets and that the Missiles were intention were for the US considering they differed in political beliefs which were a Capitalist and Communists society . The evidence from the text show that the Soviet Union could have came off as a threat because the Soviets state that “We decided with means of the defense to place the Missiles in Cuba. “ Looking at the statement the US could assume in means to defend themselves, although the Soviets mean in defense for Cuba an enemy is not to be trusted. So in this point of view the US could tally this key point as another inferior threat towards

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