How Did The Cold War Affect The Cuban Missile Crisis

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Cold War tensions greatly affected the Cuban Missile Crisis event because the United States and the Soviet Union had extreme military and political tension. The cuban missile crisis was between the leaders of the US and the Soviet Union. For thirteen days in October 1962, they had a political and military standoff. It was the closest they had ever been to a nuclear war. The Soviet Union stored missiles in Cuba, 90 miles from US shores. The US president, John F. Kennedy said they were prepared to use military force as a reaction to this threat to America's national security. After 13 days the US agreed to Soviet Union's leader Nikita Khrushchev's offer to remove the missiles if the US promised not to invade Cuba. Kennedy handled the crisis well with a multi step process of establishing a blockade, informing the people, and doing an under the table deal with Khrushchev to keep them from entering war. Despite the difficult situation of the Cuban Missile Crisis, John F. Kennedy did his best to keep the US from entering a disastrous war and ultimately prevented a nuclear…show more content…
If Kennedy had informed congress and americans, they would not have wanted to appease because of popular feeling that appeasement strategies are what led to World War II. "It was not enough that JFK didn't blink when the Soviet ships neared the “quarantine” line patrolled by the U.S. Navy; it was Kennedy's willingness to cut a deal, under the table, with the enemy that saved the day and, really, the planet." Even though the other steps of dealing with the missile crisis were important, if Kennedy hadn't made this under the table deal to remove his missiles from Turkey, none of it would have payed off and there probably would have been war. Through Kennedy's strategic appeasement plan, he saved millions of lives, and the world would be very different today if it weren't for what he

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