Pros And Cons Of The Cold War

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S.S. Cold war INTRODUCTION The Cold war was a period after WWII when the USSR and the United States engaged in close political and military confrontation when the threat of global nuclear war was imminent constantly. The Cold War essentially started on the first of January 1947 when the United States and its allies disagreed with the USSR over how to divide Germany and escalated into several proxy wars in southeast Asia such as the Vietnamese and Korean Wars. The Cold War is called the Cold war because it never got “Hot”, as in direct nuclear confrontation between Russia and the United states never occurred as was widely feared on both sides of the war. IMPORTANT FIGURES Several people who were important figures in the Cold war include Dwight D. Eisenhower (who was a World War II hero and former supreme commander of NATO who became the U.S. president in 1953), Ho Chi Minh (who was the nationalist, Communist leader of the Vietnamese forces against the United States), and John F. Kennedy (who was the thirty-fifth U.S. president and predecessor to the Eisenhower administration and started the USA space program). Other important figures include…show more content…
The Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, capitalized on the unsuccessful invasion, allied with the Cubans, and secured the right to place nuclear missiles in Cuba. When the US learned of the missiles, President John F. Kennedy initiated a naval blockade of Cuba in 1962 and demanded that Nikita Khrushchev remove them. Nuclear war loomed until Khrushchev finally backed down, promising to remove the missiles if Kennedy ended the blockade. The United States complied and secretly agreed to remove from Turkey nuclear missiles aimed at the USSR. The Communist Party in the USSR removed Khrushchev from power in 1964 for having backed off during the

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