Chinese Architecture

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Architecture of China Submitted By: Rizwan Ali Registration No.: BL16023005 Subject: Chinese Panorama Institute of Advanced Technology, University of science and Technology of China Architecture of China Contents of paper 1) Introduction of Chinese architecture 2) Construction of Chinese architecture 3) Building Materials and History 4) Classification on the basis of structure 5) Biblography Introduction of Chinese architecture This paper will explain the architecture of China and other structures including the different types of building created in China from prehistoric times to current time. Chinese architecture, means the pattern of architecture that has evolved in Asia over the time. The structural principles…show more content…
Construction of Chinese architecture Certain features are common in all Chinese architecture, irrespective of specific region or purpose buildings: The Giant Wild Goose Pagoda, built in 652 during the Tang Dynasty. Horizontal emphasis The buildings are constructed with a heavy base/platform with a large roof that appears to floating above it, with little emphasis on the vertical walls. Chinese architecture focus the visual impact of the width of the buildings. The inner side of the halls and palaces in the Forbidden City have less ceilings. This stress on the horizontal axis is due to the timber-frame formation supporting a heavy tiled roof that is predominant throughout Chinese architecture, which limited the height that could be achieved in each story of a building. The nonappearance of load-bearing walls placed a greater importance on base and roofs. Buildings were formed on platforms of rammed earth or stone both to indicate their social importance and to protect the wood timbers from rain, water and humidity. The earthen walls also protect from flood and…show more content…
Buildings complexes are made about a central room or hall, with additional buildings or rooms of equal numbers and sizes added on either side. It have also space for renovation and extension of a house. Enclosure The traditional Chinese architecture is recognized by buildings which lodge an entire property with enclose open spaces. There are two forms of enclosed spaces; i. open courtyard (院) ii. "sky well" (天井). The open courtyards is good exemplified in the siheyuan (Chinese: 四合院; pinyin: sìhéyuàn), a historical type of living commonly found throughout China and particularly in Beijing. Pingyao City, in Ming/Qing architectural style Shanxi Hierarchical placement The use of buildings in Chinese architecture are formed on the strict placement of buildings in a property/complex. Buildings have doors facing the front side of the property are considered better than those facing the sides. The inner side of building is reserved for old people and the front part of building is reserved for young or servants. .

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