Compare And Contrast Aristotle And Plato

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Aristotle and Plato, teacher and student, both are the most influential philosophers in this world's history. Even though they did not always agree on everything, they did both try to find the way to become a happier person with a more fulfilled life. They did this by explaining their thoughts on the soul worked, what virtues it takes to grow the soul, and how this growth and a persons actions help a person find true happiness. Plato’s believes that each soul is unique but require growth through each person's lifetime, whether this is through one man or many, to finally grows enough to stay in the higher realms of eternity. This type of wisdom and human growth is what should be required of all humans to really reach their true or greater…show more content…
Next we have the part of the soul called the spirit. The spirit is what drives us to achieve things, to do better than others in school, work, and any other places in life. The last part or the soul is called reason. Reason guides both the appetite and the spirit so that things don’t get out of control and causes us to seek knowledge of reality. Each part of the soul builds and relies on the next part. The appetite really cannot grow without the spirit driving it to achieve more, and the reason takes both of these parts and helps them to not become too ambitious and ruin the soul altogether. The souls fits into Plato’s basic philosophical view of the world in the way it translates into his ideal of the perfect society. Just like the soul Plato sees the perfect society as having three parts that all build and rely on the on above it. For both the soul and the ideal state, there is always a ruler or guardians who watch over and protect the collective welfare of the person or people. Plato gets this view of the world from his teacher and dear friend socrates, both of whom were in a sense groomed to become great philosophers from a young due to special schooling and privages. Pluto very strongly…show more content…
So if a person was to die so would their soul, but the remembrance of what they accomplished on earth and how pure their soul was would not. To Aristotle the soul is what makes a human a human but not until the true purpose for that person is found. The true purpose of a soul is called a person's potential. The potential is what a person is moving away from and moving forward. There are three different levels to a soul and purpose in Aristotle's eyes. The first one is nutritive soul which can grow and seek nutrition and reproduce. The second one is called the sentient soul. The sentient soul can move and perceive the world, and seek its own pleasure to an extent. And finally the third part the rational soul. This is a soul that incorporates both the nutritive and the sentient souls but adds in the ability to reason. The ability to reason is what separates humans from the rest of the animals kingdom. The big division aristotle makes from plato is the difference between what makes a rational and an irrational parts of the soul. The rational parts are the nutritive and the sentient side while the rational side is the souls ability to reason. A person's sense of reason is what should lead them to a happier, more understanding life through experiences. This is called practical reasoning. The soul fits into a person's basic philosophical view of

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