Social-Emotional Impetency

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Social-Emotional competence in a child can be classified into two sections: (1) the Social-Emotional Learning(SEL) aspect where they familiarize themselves with the emotional states of themselves and the people around them; and (2) the Social-Emotional regulation aspect which looks at the process of control over the ‘type’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ emotions are being expressed by them upon an emotionally stimulating event (Gross, 1998). Together, they allow the child to not only understand the social and emotional states of their lives, but be equipped with the necessary skills to manage and express them, for establishment and maintenance of successful relationships (Elias, 2006). The school environment is inherently a social environment, with each…show more content…
They attributed the high percentage of bullying experience by students to the possibility of unfair treatment of specific individuals, which fosters an ill-disciplined environment in school, resulting in an increase of high-risk behaviours exhibited by the students. Students who believed they were unfairly treated by teachers tend to assert their superiority through externalizing their behaviours, such as targeting of vulnerable groups (Chen & Tan, 2006). In this case, the relationship between the bully, victim of bullying and the rest of the class becomes much weaker, as being associated with either of them bears no benefits to the other students. Both social and emotional factors shape the group dynamic, which influences future interactions within the social network over time (Moreno, 1934; Forsyth, 2006). Furthermore, the lack of cohesiveness affects social-emotional competency as it requires the involvement of reciprocal interactions between parties (Vaughn, 1993). The breakdown of student-student interactions will affect the ability for SEL to occur in…show more content…
It comprises of 5 interrelated domains: self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, relationship management, and responsible decision making. One way to develop these competencies would be the involvement of students in large-scaled community events or activities, which require the active participating and cooperation of students. These activities allow students to develop their prosocial behaviours (Durlak, 2011). Some examples include perspective taking, communication skills, problem identification and solving, as well as regulation of emotions. As a result, students stand to benefit by developing their social-emotional competencies through interaction with the people around

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