Essay On Traditional Culture

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CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study. In every community in the world, there exists a uniqueness that makes one part of the world different from the world. This can be seen in the way people live, there different landform and weather/climate differences but one key element that is common to every country is what we refer to as culture. Culture has been described by various anthropologists in different ways but with common elements that have peculiarity to every definition given. There are two of such anthropologists (Kroeber and Kluckhohn, 1974) they critically reviewed concepts and definitions of culture and compiled a list of 164 different definitions. They defined culture as consisting of patterns implicit and explicit of and for behaviour acquired and transmitted symbols, consists the distinctive achievements of human groups, including their embodiment in artifact. The essential core of culture consists of traditional (i.e. historically derived and selected ideas and especially their attached values, cultural systems may on one hand be considered as products of action, on the other hand as conditional elements of future action. In…show more content…
They revolve from “the primitive” stage to a more advanced stage that helped in the marriage of culture to the modern world of high technology. It is of recognizable note that a world of technology which is prevalent now is another distinctive culture of its own but could not afford to ignore the culture identity of the various people. Human beings over time have evolved ways of including cultural issues and they since left crude and sedentary kind of life about a thousand years ago for a vibrant dynamic one through the use of his intellect for the slow but purposeful movement. The four basic culture processes that bring about culture traits and culture systems are Discovery, Invention, evolution and Diffusion. (Spencer and Thomas,
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