Architectural Design Standards

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Abstract: Egypt is one of the countries which faces great challenges in industrial investment due to land expensive prices, also its products have no ability to compete in the international markets. Furthermore, The Architectural design process of industrial buildings has no impact on Factory productivity and also its products' prices. So the purpose of this research was to define the Architectural design guidelines for the industrial buildings and study how it will achieve the principles of lean manufacturing and sustainability complementing with each other, considering these following effective factors; environmental, aesthetical, functional, economical, building operation and industrial production. These criteria have been applied in a hygienic…show more content…
On the other hand, industrial buildings are considered as the most polluting and non-sustainable buildings. So industrial building design guidelines and methodologies were studied and created for the designers to achieve the principles of sustainability including; optimum usage of energy, zero wastes and no pollution affecting the surrounding environment. At another level, Lean manufacturing is a leading manufacturing paradigm which has been applied in many sectors of the world economy in order to improve product quality, reduce production costs, and to be “first to market” in addition to the quick response to the customer needs. Lean principles is “producing what is needed, when it is needed, with a minimum amount of materials, equipment, labor and space.” So in this thesis the relationship between lean manufacturing and sustainability principles has been studied and how a design guideline for the industrial building design process and an evaluation checklist are created. 2 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING DESIGN GUIDELINES Industrial building design has to regard the following…show more content…
Lean manufacturing focuses on eliminating waste or non-value added activities. As well as its basic value proposition is that principles for improving workflow, decreasing setup time, eliminating wastes, and conducting preventive maintenance which will speed up business processes and return quick financial gains. New Lean Definition: “Develop the highest quality products, at the lowest cost, with the shortest lead time by systematically and continuously eliminating waste, while respecting people and the environment.” 4.1 AIMS OF LEAN • Small batches: The aim is to make only one item at a time at each stage of manufacture, rather than each process being completed on multiple items before the whole batch is handed on to the next process, so that it can be used as part of the inventory reduction strategy, also it helps to maintain a steady flow of work through the plant and to avoid wasted
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