Brain Drain Case Study

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gration and brain drain in sub-Saharan countries:case study Cameroon. Introduction Migration is a natural human reflex as old as humanity. Although a natural reflex it can be effectively argued that some factors have accounted for its pervasive nature in contemporary times. However, with the unprecedented rise of globalization in all its facets, international migration and subsequently brain drain (most frequently from the global south to the north) remain one of those consequences of globalization which cannot be undermined. This pivotal study attempts to explore and investigate the issue of international migration and brain drain in Sub-Sahara Africa as a whole with particular focus on the state of Cameroon as our case in point. Brain…show more content…
The colonial masters exported thousands of African from their home land to America. The reason behind these exportation was to make them develop and sustain plantation agriculture and to work in their mines which was to be their new and unfamiliar environment. John (1958) citing Thompson, by the 1619, the Africans that were brought to America in order to work in their plantations came involuntarily. Initially, the Africans that were brought to America for instance was for a temporal base or specific period of time. But looking at the economic advantage of their force labour the period of bondage extended to their life time. In Africa the captive had been builders, craftsmen, healers, farmers and even…show more content…
As early as 1960 it was noticed and has been a contentious issue in the North and South debate ever since. The oldest question why some countries are rich while others are very poor. The answer to this question is that economic theories has emphasized that the differences in the educational levels of the population answers the question and that improved educational opportunities should raise incomes in third world countries. Also improved educational level is not the final answer to brain drain unless greater measures are taken to offset existing incentives for highly educated people to emigrate. The international movement of talented people today can be traced back from the early history of mankind. International or internal migration of people from one country to another had always been justified by economic social and political reasons. Similarly, Tafah (2000) opines that international brain drain deserves to be disclosed not only because of the impact on the rate and formation of economic growth, but rather the impact on the less developing countries educational system. Scope of

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