Deductive Approach Research

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Research Approaches There are two known research analytical procedures: inductive and deductive. Saunders et al. (2009) describe them in following way: Inductive approach In simple definition inductive approach observes and draws the theory at the end, built on the knowledge, which was obtained through the information analysis. It works on following pattern: observation  pattern  theory. Henceforth it is sometimes called “bottom-up” approach. In general this approach is related to the qualitative methods and data, based on which it establishes a new theory. Deductive approach Deductive approach is in opposition to the inductive approach, meaning there is an established theory at the beginning of the research, which is either confirmed…show more content…
(2009) defined three types of research purpose: • Exploratory research explores new areas or tries to define what is happening through surveys or interviews. It enables researchers to better understand the topic, since it provides a broad aspect of the study. However, it avoids supplementing a conclusive answer. • Descriptive research describes the nature of the phenomenon and has higher accuracy than Exploratory research, because it is purposely conducted to provided detailed information on certain phenomenon, situation or a group of people. • Explanatory research defines the nature of the relationship among several variables. Moreover, it explains why certain phenomenon exists and appears and via understanding it predicts future situation. As stated by Saunders et al. (2009) many researchers often use several research purposes at the same time like descripto-explanatory method. Considering that this paper explains, but also describes various management practices and the influence of culture on work environment, the main research purpose was defined as descripto-explanatory. Research…show more content…
However, it brings certain limitations for example outdated data, because Hofstede’s research despite being extensively detailed was conducted decades ago on selected number of IBM workers from various countries. Consequently, surveys used may not have been the best choice for evaluating cultures, because they may lead to ambiguous conclusions (Saunders et al., 2009). Besides, collected data has not been re-evaluated, because no one else conducted a study as broad as Hofstede, therefore almost every business or managerial concept is based on his findings. Moreover, his research does not provide information on how much modernization, globalization influence the business and management practices and if these changes are temporary or permanent. Additionally, Hofstede’s dimension are not only helping in better understanding work culture, but may lead to creating stereotypes, which might be hard to diminish. To overcome the issue, this paper used findings from other authors to make the assumption on Korean work culture more accurate. Due to the need of long-term observations this study does not go into detail on how much culture changes because of the modernization and how fast this process might be. It simply assumes based on the provided literature that there indeed is a change and this change is majorly towards individualistic principles. Accordingly, this paper could benefit more from
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