Benefits Of Technology In The Classroom

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Ever wondered to yourself how useful technology can be? Did you ever stop to think about how much it has changed the way you interact, play, learn and think? Technology is a major beneficiary to society as it help persons learn inventive ways of doing things and handling uncertain tasks. Everything and anything can u assess through technology with just a touch of a fingertip. Technology in the classroom also has a great impact on students and the different ways in which they can gain information; it is both beneficial for the students and teachers where they can get the opportunity to learn and grow and enhance the teaching and learning strategies. According to a study by IT Trade Association CompTIA around 75 percent of educators think that…show more content…
Students already know how to use their technical devices such as: their tablets, cellphones, laptops and several other devices and with the use of technology in the classroom it can help assist them additional when it comes to modern living and support the learners for the future where their jobs are concern and when it comes to their higher school education. As an educator, their job is to help out students in every way possible so by using technology in the classroom it can help prepare the learners for modern life that requires them to be well developed in this evolving world. When they go out in the work force they can use all the information gather in school to help facilitate easy understanding of the devices. This will not only profit them in the future by helping them find more jobs, but will also make these jobs. According to CompTIA’s studies showed that 9 out of 10 students indicated that using technology in the classroom would help prepare them for the digital future. There were about 800 million Internet users around the world in 2004. This number had increased to about 1.97 billion as of June 2010 (“Internet,” 2011), which is about 28.7% of the total As the world is becoming more technically advanced students will be at an…show more content…
Using the same old “boring” approach to teach can sometimes become and bit weary and it loses the interest of the students. So brining some fun into the work environment the students can use the devices to watch videos based on the lessons being taught and use it to access games that helps the students further understand the lessons. The use of technology in classroom has a huge impact on a student’s development and it puts the student in the best position to succeed. Technology is a distraction and hinders basic skills such as learning to calculate mathematic problems with just a click and not having to learn to spell can’t benefit the students in the long run (and they would get dull). However, the teacher can ensure that this does not occur and give the rules to abide by and certain time when it should be used. A Pew Research Center survey found that nearly 90 percent of teachers believe that digital technologies were creating an easily distracted generation with short attention spans. About 60 percent said it hindered students’ ability to write and communicate face to face, and almost half said it hurt critical thinking and their ability to do homework. Also, 76 percent of teachers believed students are being conditioned by the internet to find quick answers, leading to a loss of concentration. For many, technology has become a catalyst for distraction and off task behaviour
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