The Importance Of Literacy In The Classroom

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There are many misconceptions about literacy and the power and influence of implementing literary strategies into every classroom and subject. One misconception is that literacy can only be taught through texts and reading. Education and classroom strategies are improving and growing every year. Texts, technology tools, and digital resources are developing literacy in the classroom as the world evolves and changes. If literacy is taught well, teachers can reach all student demographics through carefully choosing the class texts, and the technology tools that are provided for the students. Using texts, technology, and digital resources to promote literacy is proving to meet the needs of all students in the classroom. With technology providing all new sources, applications, and interactive services, students of all backgrounds, skill levels, and developmental challenges can…show more content…
Though technology use has increased in the classroom, it is simply not enough for districts to purchase or provide the tools for students and expect them to automatically improve learning (Hobbs, 2011). The shift should be focused instead on promoting critical thinking, creativity, collaboration skills, and communication among fellow students (Hobbs, 2011). Media and technology can be useful tools in implementing literacy, but must be used with care and clear instruction. “Texts” have a whole new meaning in this word of fast changing technology. Text forms could take place in language, images, moving images, graphic design, sound, music, interactive actives, and more (Hobbs, 2011). Media and technology tools are valuable in the classroom because they can address diverse learning, engage students, teach students skills they can use in the work force, and will engage all parts of the brain. Technology is advancing, which means schools and districts need to

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