Differences In Speech

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MALE AND FEMALE DIFFERENCES IN SPEECH IN AZERBAIJANI LANGUAGE It is an undeniable fact that there has been a great differences between women and men during the all period of history and it continues so far. We can see obviously all these differences in the all sphere of society. Women and men also approach towards events very differently. These differences came from some reasons. One of these reasons is that men are stronger than women and women more emotional then man. And what about linguistic? Is there any difference between women and men in linguistic? Over the past years linguists have shown that there is also differences between men and women in speech. John L. Locke, a professor of linguistics at Lehman College and the author of “Eavesdropping:…show more content…
Women show their emotions also in their speech. For instance when women face an incident or hear a beautiful news they react more than man. Women use interjection to express their feelings in these situations. “İnterjection is a word used to express a particular emotion or sentiment on the part of the speaker”. İnterjection expresses emotions like wonder, fear, shame, anger, joy, irony, anxiety, sadness. For example women used interjections like “vay, ay, oh, oy” when they are afraid or in terrible situation. They used “paho, bəh-bəh” when they are happy. If they want to call somebody they used mostly “ay can, ay”. If we observe carefully we can see that man rarely used these interjections in…show more content…
These expressions used very much in language and it came from folk literature. When we want to wish to somebody good things especially in wedding, birthdays or other ceremonies we used “alqışlar”. Expressions like “Allah balanı qorusun”, “Allah səni xoşbəxt eləsin”, “Allah işini avand eləsin”, “Allah köməyin olsun!”, “Sabahların xeyirliyə açılsın!”, “Gözün işığa gəlsin!” can be good example for “alqışlar”. “Qarğış” is similar curse in English. People use them to hurt, to swear each other. For instance “Ağzından çıxsın, qoynuna dolsun”,“Əməyin suya dönsün”, “Külü qoyum təpənə”,“Murazın gözündə qalsın” etc. “Alqış və qarğışlar” used by women, especially old women use them very much in Azerbaijan. It is difficult to see that men use “alqış və qarğışlar”. They rarely use these expressions. Using of “alqışlar və qarğışlar” could be big difference between men and women speech in Azerbaijani
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