Child Labour In Malaysia

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Child labour is one of the major and most rampant problems faced in developing countries. Despite the fact that the law on child rights has been passed in many countries, there is lack of enforcement in some countries because of alleged inconsistencies with their religion and culture. Child labor is a heavy issue that continues to grow and affects more than ten million children each day. Child labor has existed for millennia, and although it has morphed with new technologies and growing industries, the nature remains the same. The practice of child labour is not a major problem in Malaysia . However, recent studies suggest it remains an issue in rural and small sector industries. The nature of child labour in certain areas makes it difficult…show more content…
There is no specific provision that explicitly prohibit and punish such acts committed by persons other than the child’s parents, guardian or extended family. This would be a severe loophole in our law as it allows persons other than the child’s parents, guardians or extended family to commit the crime. Even though it is arguable that such provisions need to be read together with other acts and regulations such as the Penal Code (Act 574), it only exacerbate the problem. Section 377E of the Penal Code prohibits any person from inciting a child under the age of 14 years to any act of gross indecency with him or another person. However, it can be observed that section 377E only extends this prohibition to the case of children who are under the age of 14 years old. Hence, children who are 14 or young person will not be protected and maybe a victim of becoming a sex…show more content…
Children, as young as seven, are being used by drug syndicates to run their distribution networks. Federal Narcotics Crime Investigation Department director Commissioner Datuk Seri Mohd Mokhtar Mohd Shariff said 331 students of various ages were nabbed for being involved in drug distribution this year alone. Mokhtar also said that traffickers would use students to deliver parcels to avoid arousing the suspicion of the authorities. They would usually tell an unsuspecting student to deliver a package (filled with drugs) to an individual at a specific address and they get paid once the delivery is done. Mokhtar also commented that these students who come from poor families, were manipulated by the traffickers to distribute drugs. He said that children and teenagers are considered cheap labours to drug syndicate

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