Essay On Cellphones In Classroom

704 Words3 Pages
Should We Allow Cellular Devices in Classrooms? Although cell-phones can be a distraction in the classroom, they can also be a big help to students. With the use of cell phones in class student and schools can benefit from easy acceptable classroom tools,less cost of classroom technology, and web access easily accessible to students. So why do we not allow cell phones in the classroom if they can help improve our classrooms and schools? Classroom tools are hard to carry around and find. Calculators, dictionaries, textbooks, and so much more are now found on cell phones, which is way easier to access than carrying everything around.So why not use your phone which has easy access to all these tools? Cell phones can also bring a new and improved way to teach and learn. We can now access apps that allow flashcards, studying tools, presentation tools, ect. “At Melrose High School, for example, science students use a physics app to collect acceleration data and measure sound intensity, and English students discuss literature on their smartphones. In Burlington, high school Spanish students practice language skills on their iPads by recording…show more content…
Schools are having to do fundraisers which are always a tough and long hassle to get through. By why? Almost every student carries around a cellular device that can easily access classwork. Instead of spending lots of money on computers, why not use personal cell phones that students already have easy access to? “The second part is that they’re really seeing them as a learning tool, not just a toy for entertainment, and they’re seeing that they can be cost effective for the schools instead of having to purchase technology for students.” (As schools lift bans on cell phones, they weigh pros and cons).Conversely, cell phones become more of a resource and computers become more expensive, we should begin to rely more on easy access

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