Analysis Of New Class (Room) War: Teacher Vs. Technology

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The classroom is under attack. At least, that is what many educators seem to believe. From countless teachers and professors across the nation, the use of technology in the classrooms has served as a distraction to instructors and an impediment to the student’s success in the classroom. Many educators believe that the current generation of students seem to see technology such as smart phones and laptops as a means of entertainment and socializing. Most would say that the teachers should be the main focus at all times in the eyes of the student but the attention of the students have become more and more difficult to grasp due to technological distractions. In “New Class(room) War: Teacher vs. Technology” by Samuel G. Freedman, Freedman argues…show more content…
In Freedman’s article he states that Professor Nazemi from Roanoke College has a zero tolerance for cellphone use in the classroom. In an attempt to demonstrate to his class his expectations, Professor Nazemi smashed a student’s phone that had went off during his lecture. Though this was a staged scene, it did emphasize that the professor viewed technology as unnecessary in the classroom because it distracted student from being attentive to the educator. Countless teachers and professors have expressed their displeasure in the absentmindedness of their students. Unlike the past where distractions were passing notes or drawing in one’s notebook it has escalated. Modern technology such as laptops, cellphones, and tablets have replaced these old distractions but unlike the old distractions technology is in the hands of countless students. A new divide has come about between those who see technology as a source of information and communication and those who see the same devices as a source of entertainment and socializing. Schools and colleges that supply students with laptops, computer labs, and wireless networks in an attempt to enhance learning have instead hindered the students by enabling distractions. A professor at Iowa State, Michael Bugeja, surveyed hundreds of his school’s students and discovered “that a majority had used their cellphones, sent or read e-mails, and gone onto social-network sites during class time” (Freedman, par. 13). Some students may blame their lack of involvement in the classroom to boredom, but Professor Bugeja believes that educators do not teach to entertain but rather to stimulate the mind through contemplation and critical thinking. In an attempt to restrict the navigating capabilities of the students in the classroom a Canadian company, Smart Technologies, innovated and distributes a program called SynchronEyes which allows the

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