Impact Of Computer Technology In Education

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Chapter I The Problem and Its Background Introduction Computer technology involves the generation of knowledge and processes to develop systems that solve problems and extend human capabilities. It can change the people how to think, access, analyze, present, gather and transmit information. The uses of technology have a great impact of issues in education in our generation right now. The use of information and communication technology or ICT brings a strong learning tool and it can change the learning and teaching process. Computer Technology is not just as a tool, which we can use as a substitute or replacement of existing teaching methods, but it is an important instrument to support new ways of teaching strategies, methods, techniques…show more content…
On the last decade, there were several ways and strategies to improve education, but no one become last impression on education. The most motion to put computers in most schools has so far met the same circumstances as previous attempts. Computers have been found to be unused or underused in most schools despite the generously donated by some stakeholders and increased presence of computers in schools. In this study, I continue this search by examining factors associated with technology adoption in schools. But I do not plan to simply repeat those previous research to search for new factors that may affect technology uses in schools because I believe previous research has identified most, if not all, factors that may have an effect on how and how much technology is used in schools. What we need is a supporting structure that can provide new thought and ideas for this study and specific recommendation for practice. It take as my responsibility to continue existing research by gathering the relationships among the long list of many factors that have already been distinguish to be related to school technology…show more content…
The study may give support for the future researchers who will conduct the related study for this may serve as their basis or guide. Through the findings that had been done, they can use this study for further improvement and will help them encourage future researchers to conduct a part of the school progress with the same concept of research. BPSU Community. The study will benefit the BPSU community for other researchers who may have the same existing problem within the school campus. Also, this study will help the BPSU Community to have increased access in education, the quality of education is more enhance and develop. Information gathered will serve as baseline information to enhance the guidance service of the school. Roots of behavior problems among the pupils can be easily identified and strategies to meet the problems can be arrived at. Scope and Delimitation The purpose of the study is to identify variables affecting the factors affecting of using Technology in Classroom as Medium of Instructions. The respondent of the study were the teachers in Bagac Elementary School (Central). Additionally, the researchers involve the interview portion exclusive for the teachers in Bagac Elementary School (Central) about the beliefs of the teachers regarding ICT and their ICT usage in the

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