Benefits Of Studying Abroad

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With the influence of economic globalization, the master of a foreign language and oversea study experiences become more and more important in job searching. Therefore, more and more Chinese students decide to further their education abroad after graduation from high school. About three years ago, I was also considering studying abroad, hoping to gain an advantage over other peers and experience different cultures. Different from buying a commodity, studying abroad is a long-term program which requires a large amount of money. The discussion about the decision lasted for about one month and my parents finally decided to send me abroad. The decision to study abroad is a challenging economic decision for me and my family because it is affected…show more content…
The proposal of studying abroad was first put forward by me because I thought that it would be a better choice for me. Studying abroad has many advantages over studying in Chinese universities. First, it would provide a favorable environment for me to improve my English, especially oral English. In China, teachers and schools pay too much attention to reading and writing. Second, I thought that living and studying in a foreign country could help me develop some social skills. For example, getting along with classmates from different cultures would help me learn to deal with different types of people and open my horizon. In addition, I believed that studying abroad would be beneficial to my personal development and make me more confident, independent, and adaptable to changes. I also hoped that the study abroad experience would help me in my future career and life. My own decision-making conforms to the self-interested model. It is the dominant view in microeconomics and it is in line with functionalism within anthropology where individuals tend to do put their own interest first under specific context (Wilk and Cliggett 40). Considering the situation, I would like to do what would be best for

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