Sports Movie: Movie Review

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Sport Film Review GE 2222 Dok Rae Kim 53706803 – Reviewer 1 & Section D, Introduction Hyo Jeong Kang 53748972 – Reviewer 2 & Section C, Conclusion The "Win Win" magic Introduction Sports has unlimited impacts on people's life by helping them to identify themselves, influencing them in the educational respect, and changing their belief, value, and attitude. In the movie "Win Win", sports acts as a tool to guide the characters to have a win-win situation by elaborating on the aforementioned impacts. Thomas McCarthy, the director, came up with this entertaining, touching, and evoking film once again to the theater. Bibliographic summary The title of the movie is “Win Win.” This movie was produced in 2011 by…show more content…
He struggles to get money to support Jakie, his wife and two daughter. He even begs to his friends to get clients. But his measly income forces him to face financial problems. With the small office and badly paid clerk, he has to cope with the trivial problems such as noise from the heater himself since he doesn’t have sufficient income to spend in fixing them. Mike also has his second job as a coach in high school’s wrestling team and goes for jogging every day to reduce the fatty belly which came from daily stress, even though there are difficulties in breathing. With the huge amount of stress and the depressing reality, Mike finally decides to pocket $1,500 of guardianship fee which is the money for supporting the old client who suffers early dementia. Mike puts Leo, the old client to the sanatorium even though he was supposed to take care of Leo at…show more content…
These issues are mostly issues that we can encounter easily in our lifetime such as the extreme amount of stress that head of the household get (in this case, Mike), the unethical outcome stress and crave for money could bring, broken marriage caused by a secret love affair, and a sad reality between parents and child when the parents get old that the child tries to value money over the child's parents. The film has a relatively slow flow of the story, and lacks competitiveness as a "comedy" movie. However, the social and cultural issues are penetrated naturally in the movie and are readily identifiable, and lead the audience to actually think about not only the story or the quality of the movie but also the issues related to it. Some movies do not even guide the audience to think over the movie, but this film does not end as a movie itself. It definitely induces the audiences to do so by providing the audiences with issues that are directly related to them. I recommend this film to people who want to watch a movie with their beloved family and friends. Considering the overall storyline, the acting, and the message it creates, I would like to give this movie a rating of 3.5 out of 5

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