Scientific Paradigm: Positivism And Realism

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2.1 Scientific paradigm: positivism and realism As the purpose of the thesis is to develop a model of factors that can be considered to have an impact on the relationship between non-traditional marketing campaigns and the corporate images that consumers form, in connection with these campaigns, it will adopt two main approaches: positivism and realism. In the following paragraphs the paper will briefly describe these various approaches and how they have been used in this thesis and in its research. The positivist science is often perceived as a particularly reliable form of knowledge because its theories derived on the basis of data obtained through observations and experiments. What science regards as true, it is expressed initially as hypotheses…show more content…
It justifies the study of any situation, regardless of the numbers of research units involved, but only if the process also involves the objective of understanding why things are as they are. Fig.2.Characteristics of Qualitative-Quantitative Research Continuum (Postpositivism and Accounting Research : A (Personal) Primer on Critical Realism., Australasian Accounting Business & Finance Journal, Dec2010, Vol. 4 Issue 4, p3-25, 23p, 1 Diagram Diagram; found on p9.) 2.2 Quantitative research approach In order to fulfil the purposes of this paper, a quantitative research is used. During the late 1970’s and throughout the 1980’s, quantitative research experiences huge growth in developed countries (Keegan 2009, p. 71). Researchers argue that quantitative research measures the proportion of population who think or behave in a particularly way. This is achieved by counting the number of people who buy certain brands or agree with certain statements, and producing statistics to show the proportions of the population that fall into specific categories, such as users of brand X and Y(Keegan 2009,…show more content…
In order to collect data for the empirical part of the paper, the researcher has to use qualitative or quantitative approaches. Quantitative methods are those which focus on „hard data” as numbers and frequencies and provide information which is analyzed through diagrams and statistics being associated with the scientific and experimental approach, and qualitative methods are providing an in depth description using „soft data” e.g. interviews, focus

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