The Importance Of Sustainable Development Goals

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The sustainable development goals are 17 global goals that were set by the UN in 2015 to protect the planet, end poverty, and ensure prosperity for all by 2030. The sustainable development goals that I have chosen to write about are no poverty and implementation of sustainable cities and communities. Poverty is the state of not having the financial power to meet basic needs such as food, shelter or clothing. It is a situation that people want to escape. Nearly half of the world’s population, 3 billion people, lives on less than $2.50 a day. According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty (“11 Facts About Global Poverty”). This issue is very serious and needs to be addressed at top priority. Sustainable cities and communities…show more content…
This means that managing such a sustained urbanization process will be a critical development change (Anwar, Farhan). In Pakistan, about one million poverty driven people from the rural areas migrate to Karachi- the biggest economic hub of the country. Such a rapid pace in urbanization is making it hard for the government to provide basic facilities and services to the people. Implementing sustainable cities or towns in a place like Pakistan is a very challenging goal, however it is not impossible. A Harvard architect had initiated an eco-friendly model city project known as the “DHA Karachi City” project, which can accommodate up to 50,000 residential and commercial lots in an eco-friendly manner. It is known to be one of the biggest and most advanced projects of Pakistan setting a target for the future cities in Pakistan. This project not only provides access to adequate and sustained living, but also encourages the combination of an efficient transportation system, clean energy supply and tree-lined walking paths for a pedestrian zone to maintain a healthy environment (Iqbal,…show more content…
This is because, as I have clearly written in my essay, with the way we are dealing with the world problems like poverty, we are going on the right track and the goals can be achievable. In reference to poverty and sustainable cities, these two goals are being tackled appropriately and can really help make the world a better place by 2030. However with the world population expected to rise to 8.5 billion in 2030 and many mega cities rising it will be harder to manage these goals, thus more people and governments need to start taking action and help make achieve these

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