Language Teacher Goals

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I have three goals:becoming an international Chinese language teacher, studying abroad and travelling all around the world. Majoring in English supports me with a stubborn base to successfully achieve them all. English majors tend to be top-priority among competitors who want to be international Chinese language teachers. An international Chinese language teacher could go abroad spreading Chinese culture to the world. According to Confucius Institute Headquarters, international Chinese language teachers need to know Chinese well; nonetheless, it is also necessary for them to pass The College English Test Brand-6 (CET-6) or have the similar English level. Becoming a Chinese language teacher needs a certification offering by a high-standard…show more content…
Majoring in English could cultivate the students the imperative abilities of listening and speaking through listening lessons as well as spoken lessons, which are of benefit for them to meet the requirements. Comparing with other majors such as Chinese and teaching Chinese as a foreign language, majoring in English may save students’ time so that they need not to spend extra time learning English; also, it provides enough skills of communicating with foreign students and parents fluently. Furthermore, Chinese traditional unique culture has diverse activities including Chinese characters, Chinese paintings and Chinese martial art, which are likely to attract foreign students; however, if teachers do not understand western culture or only use the Chinese methods to teach foreign students, they may get into an awkward position or even lost attractions and trust of students and their parents. Students who major in English have chances to learn cultures of western countries, which could be an advantage of knowing about students as well as learning the skills about how to get along well with foreign parents. Consequently, knowing about foreign culture would help teachers as far as possible choose the best way which is…show more content…
If people want to travel all around the world, they do not need to achieve this goal until they have a big sum of money; because they can earn money during their journey, and that is the reason why majoring in English may help them make this dream come true; also, it is more interesting to have the journey like this other than just taking photos at each spots. Majoring in English could help them communicate with local people fluently and enjoy the local conditions and customs. Although other majors’ students may speak English as well, they may find it difficult to apply it to practice comparing with English majors. If people cannot speak English, they still can travel all around the world; however, they may lose fun of being integrated into the local society, as they cannot understand the locals. During the trip, people may go to non-English countries. Although it is likely that a part of the locals in these countries are able to speak English, it still may cause some confusing moments when they commutate with each other. In this case, it is necessary for travelers to learn essential words and phrases of the local languages. If the travelers can speak English, it may be easier for them to learn a new language, because they have already gotten the methods of learning a new language. Majoring in English can give people enough courage to
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