Love And Love In Shakespeare's As You Like It

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Another one of Shakespeare's comedies where the lead heroine dresses as a man and ends up falling in love. As You Like It by William Shakespeare follows the life of Rosalind whose father is exiled after his brother forces him off the throne when their father died. Shakespeare also follows the life of Orlando whose family also is in the process of falling apart when his father died leaving him in the care of his neglectful brother, Oliver. Rosalind’s life and Orlando’s life intertwine when Orlando challenges Charles, a wrestler for the court of Duke Frederick, and wins as Rosalind and her dedicated cousin Celia watch. This leads to Orlando’s and Rosalind’s first interaction in which they fall in love. Rosalind is the lead of the play who is…show more content…
One stylistic element that touches upon is the motif of the closeness between Celia and Rosalind. Their friendship is sisterly like but the intimacy of the relationship as shown by their dialogue, “We still slept together, Rose at an instant, learned, played, eat together, and wheresoe’er we went, like Juno’s swans, Still we went coupled and inseparable.”(1.3.68-71). This intimate relationship that Shakespeare writes between the two girls is to be read as a borderline to make the overall theme that love is blind and has no limits. This is also emphasized in Rosalind's cross dressing as Ganymede. Ganymede the name is an allusion to Ganymede in the Iliad by Homer who was a trojan hero and in a myth Zeus abducts him in an act of sodomy. This furthers the interjection of homosexuality within the play. Gender roles also appear as a main concept in the play. As shown through Rosalind’s cross dressing which challenges the ideas of what it means to be a man or women. Similarly, the original productions of the show would only be performed by men so Rosalind’s character was played by a man acting as a women dressed as a man which commented on gender fluidity. “Lie there what hidden women’s fear there will… As many other mannish cowards have, That do outface it with their semblances” (1.3. 17,119-120). Rosalind states this when she poses to dress as a man she will hid her womanly natural fear and at the same time she admits that there are many men who are cowards who pretend to be brave. Which in depth comments on the idea that men and women share the same qualities with men. The main concepts lead to the main theme of love has no gender and gender is
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