Globalization In Social Media

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Communication is the base of civilization, its what shapes the evolution of humans. The spread of concepts and ideas, the agreement of negotiations and compromises, and the rise and fall of democracies would not be possible without communication. It’s the key to our success as a species. Particularly, in todays modern world as we enter an era of vastly improved technology that have naturally led to an increase in communication. To handle and keep progressing, a clarification on current communication must be identified. There should be a recognition of the new medium’s users, an acknowledgement of inequality in access to technology, and an adjustment for increased globalization. Many, from observant writers to social scientists alike, have…show more content…
First, both “The Big Five, self-esteem, and narcissism as predictors of the topics people write about in Facebook status updates” by Marshall et al and “Who interacts on the Web?: The intersection of users’ personality and social media use” by Correa, reveal that personality often dictates social activity. Correa suggests that these factors may be “leading them to engage in this participatory media” (Correa 2010). Second, Correa and Marshall both agree that extraversion plays an important role in social media engagement. Marshall discovered specifically that active users associated with high “extraversion [were] positively associated with updating more frequently about social activities and everyday life” (Marshall…show more content…
Communication and globalization remain within the parameters of personality- extroverted and openness to new experiences- and access to technology. Conversations are dominated by developed countries and certain personality types. Censorship can negatively affect communication and therefore globalization. Additionally, access can be inadvertently limited as “most people use these sites to interact with individuals they already know, therefore limiting their engagements with strangers (Correra 2010). Correa reveals that personalities can limit access to communication and spread of ideas leading towards a groupthink scenario where individuals fly in a holding pattern. Researchers have identified that personality and demographics mold conversation and communication, or lack thereof, shape globalization. Evolving communication results in a deeper look of social media users, their access to it, and their profound effect on

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