Paramedics Personal Statement

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Paramedics are the first responders to injuries and serious casualties. When choosing to study Paramedics, you’re choosing a vocation, a field, a career – not just a degree. This greatly appeals to me as I like to know what I am doing later in life. Although it is not exceptionally well paid, I believe it will be incredibly rewarding and worthwhile. For the majority of my life I have known that I wanted to work in some kind of medical profession. Maybe this was due to having to spend years in and out of hospital (as I was born with grade 3 microtia; a congenital deformity), my grandmother having multiple strokes or my uncle being a trauma surgeon, I will never know. Either way, I have spent lots of time around medics, which explains my interest in a medical career.…show more content…
After a year of training, this allowed me to interact with my peers to help resolve issues which they felt they couldn’t discuss with friends, family or other members of staff. On completing this scheme I was awarded with the official Diana Anti-Bullying Award. I have completed both the Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh awards. These challenges provided me with skills of teamwork, strength and a sense of independence, which I understand are required in order to become a paramedic. Whilst completing my silver Duke of Edinburgh award, I worked in a homeless shelter for 6 months, where I interacted regularly with the people who came to the shelter for support. Through this I gained the ability to talk to everyone and feel comfortable whilst doing

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