Literature Review On Leadership Development

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leadership development, I am very pleased to say that we are blessed with the publication of Designing Workplace Mentoring Programs: An Evidence- Based Approach by Allen, Finkelstein, and Poteet. These three authors— accomplished professors and practitioners in the field of leadership development—provide us with a solid and pragmatic approach to creating a fully integrated organization-wide mentoring process. The process they describe addresses the structure of such a program, the recruitment and training of both prot´eg´es and mentors, the matching of mentors and prot´eg´es, and the very important step of ongoing evaluation and program development. A generous number of case studies illustrate the points they make and the easy-to-identify lessons…show more content…
I will follow the structure of the book which clearly defines mentoring and then describes a well-thought-through process for designing, implementing, evaluating, and attending to the ongoing development of a successful program. Mentoring is first defined as the traditional relationship between a senior, more experienced person (the mentor) and a junior or less experienced person (the prot´eg´e) for the purpose of teaching the junior employee about his or her job, of introducing the junior employee to contacts, to orient the employee to the industry and the organization, and to address social and personal issues that may arise on the job (p. 2). They then compare mentoring to coaching and to other forms of leadership development as they outline the clear individual and organizational benefits of a formal mentoring relationship. The authors make an excellent point when they state that mentoring relationships are dynamic. My own experience—both personally and as…show more content…
As the authors note, “in order to determine whether or not a mentoring program is achieving the business goals and objectives it was designed to achieve, it is imperative that companies create and implement a monitoring and evaluation process as part of their programs” (p. 85). The 15th appendix to the book provides a detailed sample evaluation plan. This supports my own experience that a well-constructed mentoring program is in continuous improvement; as a company’s goals and markets evolve, so must its leaders. Finally, I must underscore the practical insights presented by the authors in their well-chosen case studies called out in well-designed boxes that support the printed text. One example is the story of the mentoring program developed over many years by Limited Brands (pp. 79–80). The time and attention placed by the firm’s Talent and Organizational Effectiveness group provided flexibility and a number of opportunities for promotions and growth, with almost all participants feeling valued and supported. Throughout the book companion boxes similarly provide well-crafted summaries of lessons learned for that stage of

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