School Counselor Goals

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My drive to become a school counselor wasn’t created during a single epiphanic moment. Rather, my drive to become a school counselor is a direct result of past achievements and activities. After I graduated from West Chester University, I traveled the country, tried things I hadn’t before, and learned new things about myself. I have always best learned through hands-on experience, and appropriately, it was during that time that my passion and ambition became clear. Although my drive to become a school counselor was shaped by the various and plentiful experiences I have had in personal development, particularly youth development, there are a few defining moments and relationships that emerge from the rest. The Congressional Award is an…show more content…
My main responsibility as the community engagement coordinator was to recruit mentors who could sustain our vision of enriching lives and building community through youth mentoring. It, however, was not until I had a mentoring relationship of my own that I realized the support of a compassionate, caring role-model truly can impact the life of a child. My mentee was a 10 year old boy who was facing significant challenges in his life. Every week for a year, I spent at least an hour with him. The goal was not to analyze or evaluate. Instead, the goal was to understand and advocate. In a short amount of time, we developed a strong relationship that still holds strong today. Seeing his face light-up whenever he saw me was an amazing feeling and something I will cherish forever. Our mentorship did not result in his challenges disappearing. They will be something he has to battle everyday. But because of our mentorship, he has another advocate to confide in and ask for guidance when his challenges become overwhelming. This relationship showed me the impact a mentor can make and created a passion in me to be a child’s
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