Mentoring And Mentee Roles

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The mentor and the mentee are likely to be from different generations. In such a situation, there are definitely issues that need to be addressed by the mentor, and the mentees, on how their thinking, priorities and outlook can be reconciled to bring together a fruitful relationship. The responsibility devolves more on to the mentor, since she/he has the experience of encountering a wide array of issues and concerns of people. The mentor must take on herself/himself the accountability to empathize and think like a person of the mentee’s age when dealing with the mentee. The mentee’s generation has outlooks that would be fairly different from that of the mentor. There is a need to understand their priorities and how they view the world. Correct…show more content…
Also mentoring is found to be serving two main functions namely, the career functions which refer to sponsoring, coaching, providing the protégé with exposure, visibility, challenging work assignments and the psychosocial functions like more intimate, intense relationship, friendships, counselling, source of acceptance and confirmation (Bourn, 1985). However the requirement of secondary or multiple mentors had been recognized long before the dynamic restructuring of organisations became so critical as it is today. Kram (1985) had proposed that not a single or primary mentor but multiple individuals or relationship constellations are needed for developmental support in…show more content…
Transformational organizations need to have a similar environment, wherein the young generation works in a highly challenging environment with high support towards them. 3.0. The issue of Protégé’s Expectation from the Mentor In traditional mentoring approach, Most of the protégés say they want the mentor to help in three areas: advice, access and advocacy. But in today’s context the protégés expectations are much more than used in the traditional context. Hence the brief list has been prepared to facilitate the mentor to realize what the protégé actually wants from the mentor. They are indicative of the thinking of young people who are eager to make good in their career and life with their mentor. Time Protector Career planning Love and affection Appreciation Honest and a role model Accessible Good Listener Genuine interest in holistic growth Caring and sharing Human relations skills Trust Good Communicator Professional Competency Knowledge and professional guidance Having Choice of mentor Well-Wisher Emotional

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