Argumentative Essay: Change Is Good

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Change Is Good Easton, Connecticut, an incredibly small town where there’s not even a bank or a grocery store, has been in a long debate about whether or not they should put a cell tower in the town in order to alleviate weak cell phone reception. There have been many hearings over the years debating this topic and yet the town is still very torn. The main argument against this proposal is that cell towers are very large and can be considered an eyesore, which will take away from Easton’s historic and notable charm. However, many cell towers have recently been changed in order to look remarkably like trees, if done well enough, which banishes the argument that all cell towers are a rather unsightly structure. It’s also been proposed that…show more content…
According to The Wall Street Journal, 1 in 3 households no longer have landline telephones, and the percentages of households without landline telephones continue to decrease while the percentages of people with cell phones are consistently increasing. With more and more people relying on their cell phones as their main line of communication with the rest of the public, it is vital that their cell phone can be reached at all times. There have been many instances where I’ve been at my house in Easton, which has little to no cell phone reception, and I didn’t receive any calls or text messages until I moved to an area with reception. This can be very problematic if there’s an emergency and you can’t be reached because of weak reception. Those who aren’t in favor of the cell tower need to realize that certain changes to our environments’ are necessary. Too often we give change a negative connotation because we’re afraid of forgetting our past’s or losing our roots. However, as humans, we are constantly changing. We are the most influenced species on this Earth, and we can change completely in the matter of a second. We see change in ourselves as growth, an important aspect of our lives. Change is good, and change is necessary, and although this doesn’t permit us to change the world around us without persistent thought, it does call attention to necessary adaptions we cannot live

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