Social Media Analysis

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For my Social Media essay, I went through many process works to get my best work I have right now. The Social Media essay is located after my “Eleven” packet and before my PRLs (Personal Reading Logs). Before, we started our writing, we did a class survey, read a few articles, and watched two videos on social networking that described how it impacted daily lives negatively or positively. Through the survey we did, we were able to figure the percentage of our class of how long they use social networking sites and what they do when they use social networking. From the articles we read, we learned about people’s point-of-views on social media and the reasons why they think social media is good or bad for us. On one video, we saw how social media…show more content…
After we did our graphic organizer, we wrote our first draft where we took the information from the graphic organizer and put them into sentences where we then go feedback on. We got feedback on our first draft by having seven people read one paragraph of the essay, and gave feedback on how to improve the writing by adding or taking out information to make the paragraph stronger. A second draft was written with all the changes we made from the feedback we got from our peers, and it was turned in to you, where you graded and gave feedback for our final draft. Our final draft, is supposedly our best work, because of all the changes we made from the feedback of our peers and the teacher is turned in. The feedback had a major impact on my writing because without it, I would’ve left out many things that were supposed to be included in the…show more content…
My essay demonstrates mastery for CCSS Writing 5, “With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed.” I show mastery in the Common Core Content Standard because through the revisions I did from feedback from my peers, I was able to create a better persuasive essay that strongly proves why my point is right. This can be seen in my first draft when I wrote, “Did you know about 10.5 million minutes are spent on Facebook?” and in the second draft, I was able to enhance it by writing “Social media is not about the exploitation of technology but a service to community” (Simon Mainwaring) because the hook I used before is leaning to the cons of social networking, while I was trying to focus on the pros of social networking. In addition, it also gave a thought to the audience that I was going to focus on Facebook throughout my essay, so I changed the hook so it could give a more general thought about social
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