Argumentative Essay On Gay Marriage

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Name: Juan Azael Camarena Professor’s Name: Subject: English Composition Date: Edison State College Gay Marriage Introduction The modern society is challenged with the issues of equality. The question about equality of rights of gays is one of the most controversial political and social issues. This argumentative essay is focused on different perspectives on this question. Currently, the New York State Senate and the law approved a right of gays for marriage. Therefore, it is possible to claim that gay marriage is promoted and legalized throughout the country in the course of time. It is relevant to take into account views of both antagonists and proponents of gay marriage. For example, Laura Kipnis claims that gay marriage is a logical continuation…show more content…
It is possible to claim that harmonious society depends on harmonious members, happy individuals, which have a chance to live their lives with their beloved persons. Why not to have a child in the families of this type? As a rule, gays are loving parents and there are no objective reasons for preventing them from being parents. There are evident changes in the modern society and the institute of marriage reflects these changes as well. Heterosexual marriage has changed and the role of women is different from the one they had in the beginning of the 20th century. Gay marriage as a new social institution is still unstable, but it is possible to argue that this social phenomenon has a chance to survive in the modern…show more content…
This claim of opponents can be argued, because homosexuality is not a “slippery slope” at all. It is individual psychological and emotional condition and to legalize gay marriage is to make those individuals sound members of the society, having the same rights, as the rest of the society. Tolerance, love and respect are three basic pillars for every society and there is no need to undermine those basics, but rather to work in favor of their

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