Are Children Pushed In Sports

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Children Being Pushed At Athletics Argumentative Research Paper Michelle Riskin David Douglas High School Abstract It is often said that starting a sport at a young age is very compatible. All organized sports show that they can assist the vicious cycle of inactivity and an unhealthy lifestyle. While all of this makes sense, that it is a great decision for a child's health, there are many circumstances to overcome. While the child is being pushed to compete at athletics, they may catch certain diseases/injuries, mentally and physically burn out or lose educational value. All of these factors can affect these child athletes in the long run. Young athletes pressured While children participate in competitive sports…show more content…
Because of back to back practices, games or competitions every weekend, and no breaks or resting times for these kids bodies, there are severe consequences. Some of those being musculoskeletal injury and growth. If the child exercises more than usual, there will be musculoskeletal growth, their stress level is stimulated and they have a positive reaction from exercising. On the other hand, disproportionate amounts of stress can lead to their tissue breaking down and injury. Overuse injuries such as apophysitis, tendinitis, and stress fractures can result into negative outcomes because of extreme practices. (Intensive Training, 2000). A lot of young athletes are not careful when it comes to a sport they’re passionate about. They strive to be the best which can result into a injury or disease. Making one mistake by falling or tripping can occur in broken bones with long term absence in the sport being played. Another disease occurring in athletes occasionally is called the “Osgood-Schlatter disease”. It can cause pain in front of the knee due to inflammation of the growth plate (known as the tibial tubercle). When a child is active, the quadriceps muscles of the thigh pull on a tendon which in turn, pulls on the tibial tubercle. This may lead to symptoms such as inflammation, swelling and tenderness. While stretching exercises and medication may help, the symptoms will go away once a child hits their growth spurt. However if not healed correctly, and there is continued stress on the tibial tubercle, it could lead to long-term absence in athletics (Overuse Injuries,
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