Comparing Hope And Rebellion In 1984 And The Hunger Games

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Hope and Rebellion in 1984 and The Hunger Games Dystopian novels emphasize a need for the general public an understanding of politics because the people’s “ignorance” becomes the “strength” for the governments to maintain its power. The totalitarian societies in Orwell’s 1984 and Suzanne Collin’s The Hunger Games share degrees of similarities in structure, conditions, and methods of control. Both societies have distinct hierarchies and serious poverty issues. However, the two works differ in terms of the presence of hope and the results of the protagonist’s resistance against authority. A comparison between the two novels shows that the presence of hope is essential for a successful resistance against an oppressive government. In 1984, the hope Winston gains…show more content…
For instance, the photograph that slips through the pneumatic tube onto his desk acts as an evidence of the Party’s falsification of history: “this was concrete evidence; it was a fragment of the abolished past... It was enough to blow the Party to atoms” (Orwell 78). Since Winston is concerned about the truth of the past, the photograph provides him with hope that he is able to recover and connect to the past. Yet, the photograph is delivered through the pneumatic tube, a source from the Party. As well, Goldstein’s book given to him by O’Brien was actually written by the Party. The book serves as a tremendous hope for Winston that the Brotherhood exists. Last but not least, the paperweight, a representation of the past and his world with Julia, is hope for him that his moments with her

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