Advertisement Analysis Paper

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One hundred times a day. Whether it’s to simply check the time, make a phone call, or to browse social media, the average person checks their phone over one hundred times a day (Woollaston, 2013). Our company, Facebook, recently bought Instagram for around one billion dollars (Sanvenero, 2013). To help gain back some of our debt, we use advertisements. The advertisements being used are designed to draw our member’s attention with the hopes that they will be interested in the product offered. To better the type and placement of advertisement being used, we offer the advertisement companies some of our users personal information. Not all of our consumers are content with our use of their personal information. We, the parent company of Instagram,…show more content…
We recently purchased Instagram for about one billion dollars. To regain our depth, we use advertisements. Advertisement companies pay large sums of money for their ads to be placed in certain areas at certain times. We also do not share our members information with random spam companies. “We may share User Content and your information (including but not limited to, information from cookies, log files, device identifiers, location data, and usage data) with businesses that are legally part of the same group of companies that Instagram is part of, or that become part of that group ("Affiliates")” (Instagram, 2015). We ensure that our user information is only shared with companies relevant and affiliated with our…show more content…
If a third­party company like Nike were to advertise with our company, they would place an advertisement, within interest of the targeted user, on our users feed. To ensure the ad is within the interest of our Facebook member, we share certain information like, if our user is male or female, the age of our user, and even certain links that the user “likes” and “follows.” With this information, Nike will place an ad that best fits the users personal. For example, if one of our member’s is an adult male who “liked” “followed” the Fifa World Cup fan page, Nike may use such information to place a soccer ad on their account instead of a ballet ad. Our privacy policy for Instagram’s states “we may also share certain information such as cookie data with third­party advertising partners.This information would allow third­party ad networks to, among other things, deliver targeted advertisements that they believe will be of most interest to you” (Instagram, 2015). Other than advertisements, we also may use the consumer's information to “provide, improve, test, and monitor the effectiveness of our Service” Instagram (2015). The consumers information is being used to better their usage and experience on our social media

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