Adversity In Life

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Everyone faces hardships during their walk of life and Christians are no exception to that rule. As humans we are often prone to complain and argue to God about why He put us in these situations. God never said that we would never face adversity in our lives, but instead we can use that adversity that’s in our life to prove how good God is and see how merciful he can be. Joseph is one of many people in the bible to have faced great adversity and there are so many incredible things that we can learn from time in servitude and bondage. His incredible spirit and demeanor throughout the whole ordeal is nothing short of astonishing. Joseph definitely sets the bar when it comes to how a Christian should deal with a bad situation. What is even more…show more content…
People often forget that joseph was in servitude for years and he still had patience knowing that God would work it out for good. He knew what God had promised him in his dreams would one day come true so he did not rush the plan of God as most of us try to do. In our present day society we want everything instant. Coffee, food, internet, we all want things right now and if we are not careful sometimes we try to rush God's timing and miss out of potential blessings in the future. Just like when Joseph was waiting patiently in prison for the butler, we should trust in God's time table and know that He has never forgotten about…show more content…
Throughout Joseph's entire trial we see nothing but humility from him. He could have drawn attention to himself for the gift that God had given him but instead time after time when he uses his gift he gives the glory straight to God. Often we forget that God is the one who gave us every talent we have and that He wants us to use them for his glory. When we use our talents for our own vain glory we are not only stealing glory away from God, but we are also stealing heavenly awards away from ourselves. We should be like Joseph and deflect praise from us to Him. In doing this we are showing others how great we think our God

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