Advantages Of Facebook Marketing Strategy

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6 Innovative Facebook Marketing Strategies Social media marketing is big and continually growing. Facebook is the largest of them, with over 1.3 billion users, and the broadest, in terms of scope and demographic range. By not using Facebook marketing, a business loses the opportunity to target millions of potential customers from a single platform. Today, scrolling through a personal, Facebook news feed is not just about keeping up with what friends and family are doing. Interspersed between the status updates and funny holiday pictures are the sponsored ads, the posts from businesses followed and the occasional nudge to interact with another business. This is because businesses using a Facebook marketing strategy are working to increase…show more content…
Regular activity is vital to keeping a social media profile active. Creating a post timetable with the number of posts per day or week and ensuring they happen is the best way to ensure that content on the profile stays current. Before starting a marketing strategy most business benefit from some sort of tracking software, that can monitor sales, engagement, website traffic flow and direction. It is best to start tracking before staring a marketing campaign so that any improvements and changes in traffic source and increases in sales can show direct correlation to the Facebook marketing strategy. Facebook marketing isn’t instant; it takes time for likes and shares to spread and visibility of a profile to increase. The tracking software will show what changes are happening even if they appear slow. However, a marketing strategy is a fluid entity; it needs to be flexible to reflect the changing patterns of Facebook…show more content…
Sharing an inspiring quote that has encouraged the growth of the business and telling the fans why. It’s simple but effective in gaining trust with potential clients. Strategy #3 Provide excellent content “Content is King” is the axiom for all web-based content and it is no different for a Facebook marketing strategy, Providing valuable, engaging content is what grabs the attention of followers and keeps them coming back for more. The only way to keep readers coming back for more is by continually creating new content. Using a variety of media types keeps the content fresh and dynamic even when they are close links between posts. Visual cues are the most arresting, people look at the pictures first and the text second. If using visual media make it relevant and captivating to enhance engagement. By mixing posts with written articles, video blogs and infographics, engagement with readers increases because different media appeals to different
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