Organizational Behavior PERSONAL LEARNIG PAPER ‘’Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.’’- Mahatma Gandhi. In this Personal learning paper, I intend to discuss not the content of the course, but what I learnt by attending the classes – both about myself and about the subject. In the very beginning, the subject of Organizational Behaviour seemed to me an attempt to formalize, through theory and jargon, what is commonly known as ‘common sense’. In other point of
"Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Every productive company realizes that one of the most precious assets in the business is the people. "To hire and retain the best qualified people without considering race, color, religion, gender or age" (Boeing, 2006, p. 2) - Today organizations concentrate on continuous personnel development that is necessary to increase the value of its human capital. Organizational behavior is the influences that affect
This approach was pioneered by Fred Luthans in his research mapping positive behaviors in organizations known as the concept of positive organizational behavior (POB) (Bakker & Schaufeli, 2008; Luthans, 2002; Youssef & Luthans, 2007). In contrast to previous approaches, positive organizational behaviors have an orientation to the development of strengths and human resources and the development of measurable, open psychological capacity
fairness in organizational settings (Greenberg, 1990) the interpersonal treatment people receive as procedures are enacted (Bies & Moag, 1986). The precursor of organizational justice was laid down by Adams (1963). Recent studies view justice to safeguard a broader context. However the understanding of justice is known as in its “adolescent” stage (Miller & Daus, 2004). There are still many debates and inconsistencies in the literature concerning what number of dimensions organizational justice has
Diversity is the Military is a broad topic which has its advantages and disadvantages in military organizational setting. Serving 5 years in the military I have known how diversified is our nation’s military based on race, religion and ethnicity. Diversity makes any organization strong because of the diversified resources and ideas the organization achieves from its members. We can be proud that we inherit such a diversified culture we have acquired in our armed forces but in reality the military
Indeed, employees having skill, opportunity, knowledge, and desire to individually accomplish in an aspect that drives to collective organizational success and; thus, reveals an empowered organization. In this regard, the focus will to empower employees to enable them for direct, work and manage within the organization. Another interactive aspect in the empowerment of employees will be respectful environment and interactions that can enthusiastically engage them in healthier and productive scenario
It is considered the most often researched organizational variable in the organizational behavior literature (Blau, 1999). It is also considered from central factors for understanding and managing organizational behavior because it has the potential to affect a wide range of behaviors in organizations (George and Jones, 2000). Locke (1976) conducted a review of job satisfaction and stated that more than 3,350 articles
The most common known is to be accepted by the group which may lead to turning a blind eye to the misdeeds of their colleagues (Scaramella, G., Cox, S., McCamey, W., 2011). This portion of the subculture has a powerful and long-lasting effect on organizational attempts to diminish incidents of misconduct by police officers (Scaramella, G., Cox, S., McCamey, W., 2011). Furthermore, stress is another factor affecting police officers, the sources of which are both real and perceived by the public (Scaramella
of my listening skills, trust of others, and inflexibility towards change with regards to delegation. Within step two, section one investigates the elements of communication, trust, and adaptability as they deepen the relationships within organizational behavior. This section also studies the role these three elements could play in making me a better manager, employee, or coworker. Section two, examines the influential nature of my Type A personality on my leadership abilities and explores my political
identified by its unique culture. According to Needle (2004) organizational culture is the values, beliefs and principles of organizational members as a the result of the environmental factors the organization operates in. These factors include the history, the nature of markets they work in and the impact on the management according to the targets they have to achieve, working conditions of the employees and how that is reflected on their behaviors, the strategy and the local culture of the region they