Negative Effects Of Social Media Marketing

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media has fundamentally changed the way businesses interact with customers and the public at large. It has become an essential tool for marketing, interaction with public, but as social media has make marketing very advantageous it has its drawbacks too. With social media companies cannot control the customer’s messages and comments on its products or service privately. If it is a positive comment it will be great advertising for your company but if it is a negative comment it can be a disaster. For example Facebook allows everyone to share their views which can be very dangerous for marketers If you’re trying to promote a business, social media can be a huge help. For one thing, your current and potential customers are already there. Facebook…show more content…
Just as quickly as users can share your content on social media, they can choose to share an unflattering story about you or your business. Social media users have free rein to post whatever they want. This means that satisfied customers can leave glowing reviews on your pages, but it also means that unhappy ones can leave angry rants about your business.Some of this negative feedback could come from within your own organization. Disgruntled employees have been known to vent on social media about work and their bosses, who make the entire company, look bad. It’s easy to get caught up in social media and post whatever comes to mind, which can have huge consequences for any business. Take, for example, when DiGiorno Pizza noticed that “#WhyIStayed” was trending on Twitter, and jumped on board with a tweet that read “#WhyIStayed You had pizza.” This doesn’t sound awful until you consider that the hashtag was being used to discuss why victims of domestic violence stay in abusive…show more content…
While some people may view this as a drawback, investing time into social media can help your business create lasting relationships with customers that will keep them coming back for years to come. As a marketer, you should approach social media as a valuable marketing tool—but one with potential consequences. It can be tough to strike a balance between professional and personal, but well-organized social accounts can be very beneficial to your business. So how can you create an effective social media strategy? 1. Set concrete goals What’s the point of being on social media? What do you expect to get out of posting on sites like Facebook and Twitter? Create a set of goals for your strategy and make sure every subsequent activity brings you closer to meeting it. Thanks to the analytic options on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, it is easy to measure how successful you are in reaching these goals. Use these features to your advantage, and adjust your strategy accordingly. 2. Create a social team Its okay to put one person in charge of your social strategy, but that person should not be responsible for every single tweet and status update. So who else should

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