Marketing Case Study: Redolence Coed: Perfume

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Group Number:7 Product name-Redolence coed (perfume) Team members: 1. Udaypartap 2. Shivam Chhabra 3. Gagan Kaur 4. Lalita Kaur Part 3 – Promotion Campaign Objective: The motivation behind our campaign is to make mindfulness about this new type of perfume to our objective market along these lines, making whatever number clients as could be expected under the circumstances and producing sales. One of the more fascinating goal is additionally to offer each intrigued buyer a little amount of container of our scent as a demo to check the aroma for free. We likewise need our objective market too aware of the way that our aroma is naturally amicable and adds to keep our planet earth green. Theme: The perfume was made with the Intention of giving new fragrance to the young adults (20-25) & older teenagers (16-19). With that in mind our theme is "Freshness for ALL!!".…show more content…
We will furnish each datum in detail and with loyalty, as our item is produced using normal material, no destructive chemical is utilized as a part of our aroma which help individuals to comprehend the nature of our item. We will use this strategy to demonstrate buyer, how our fragrance takes a shot at an individual's body and fill them fresh without any risk. Strategy We have utilized both a pull and push strategy. By utilizing broad communications, we are adequately achieving shoppers to respond to the messages and draw the item through the channel of distribution (Jaffey, 2016). By giving promotion incentives to our fundamental distributer, Walmart who are marketing our item in the interest of us, this pushes the item through the channel of circulation, along these lines utilizing a push strategy (jaffey, 2016). References: Jaffey Tuckwell, Think marketing: Second Edition: ONT: Pearson Canada Media marketing Retrieved from (Scott Christ; September 26,

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