Advantages And Implications Of Social Media

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In today’s world of the interactive internet and the rapid adoption of social media platforms (SMP), the ways in which consumers communicate with each other has transformed (Vernuccio, 2014). It is essential for businesses to adapt to the newly empowered customer and develop a Social Media Strategy (SMS) process to maintain competitiveness in this growing digital era (Hofacker, 2013). Social media is currently a component of most business environments, therefore, it is essential for small businesses and start-ups to understand how to use SMP such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and understand Social Media as a highly accessible, measurable and cost effective tool that can be used to strengthen customer relationships, increase brand exposure,…show more content…
Businesses owners have more than enough reason to pay attention to social media and consumer interactions on social networking (Carlson et al, 2015). SM is changing the way communications are transmitted, as well as revolutionising marketing strategies and frameworks. Traditional marketing is unsustainable going forward when considering the advantages and implications of social media marketing (Carlson et al, 2015). A literature review is a systematic, explicit and reproducible method for identifying, evaluating and interpreting the existing body of work produced by researchers” (Fink, 1998, p.67). The way people and businesses communicate has changed dramatically owing to the unprecedented technological advantages and the rate and scale of social media (McManus, 2015). The result of all these economic developments and technological advancements are a dramatic shift of economic power from sellers to buyers (Akula, 2015). Resent statistics from Ipsos monitoring social media allows a comparison to be made between social media account ownership and usage in Ireland in the 12 months to April 2017. Facebook remains the dominant social media platform at 57% of the overall social media user market. Instagram has seen the largest increase from 23% to 28%. Daily usage is highest on Facebook at 72% followed by…show more content…
All the information gathered from the literature review and the content analyse will provide the basses for the questions. This will be done in order to assist the researcher to transform the data collected from the qualitative research (Content analysis) and literature review into quantitative material for the Interviews. It will also help the researcher understand and explore different concepts in more depth which will add to the overall findings. According to Tashakkori and Teddlie (2009), semi structured interviews are the most appropriate type of interviews in order to collaborate with the findings from content analysis. An interview can take two formats, namely structured and semi structured interviews (Fleming, 2007). Semi structured interviews involves having a list of questions on the specific areas determined in advance. Semi structured interviews are regarded as useful research methods in collecting qualitative information. They also allow the interviewer to freely discuss any other issues or topics that emerge (Brotherton,

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