Workplace Conflicts In The Workplace

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Workplace Conflict Issues There is no perfect business in the world, so consequently, there are conflicts in all organizations (McLean & Wilson, 2008). In this paper, I will look at the conflicts within a company which deals with imported motor vehicles in the country. In this company, the Caucasian employees feel discriminated against in regards to the daily affairs of the organization. They complained that their Asian counterparts were always favored in the various activities within the company. They attributed this maltreatment to the lack of employment for them in the top management arena who can advance their interests. Moreover, they also maintain that there are limited chances for them to climb the leadership ladder in the organization…show more content…
These employees perceive the administration as favoring employees who are considered citizens as compared to non-citizens in the organization. On the other side, the management qualifies this style of management as justified discrimination since they have a corporate social responsibility to uplift the lives of the community it serves. The management, therefore, feels that if citizens get promotions and are given positions of responsibility within the organization, the ripple effect of this will trickle down to the community, bringing development and growth. However, they believe the opposite for noncitizens. If noncitizens were to get the same promotion and pay increase, their monies would be sent to their country of origin, which would not help the local community and thereby be an added expense of the local…show more content…
If it is not handled promptly and adequately, the employees may move to court to have it sorted out through litigation. The nature of litigation as a dispute resolution mechanism takes years to be resolved and lacks privacy (Gordon, 2011). When the decision is rendered, in one way or another, one party will feel to have lost the case straining relations between the disputants even further. They, therefore, opted to have a mediator help resolve this dispute. The mediator is the neutral party to this conflict. Both sides came with a list of people they preferred to mediate the conflict. After going through their lists, they realize there was a labor officer from the ministry of labor who was appearing on both lists as a viable mediator, and they settled for him to facilitate the entire

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