Pssychosocial Hazards In The Workplace

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HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (CDB 1012) MAY SEMESTER 2015 GROUP ASSIGNMENT 2 PSYCOSOCIAL HAZARD GROUP: GME 13 LECTURER: DR. ASNA MOHD ZAIN No. Name ID number 1 Sabrina Ilmuna Binti Ahmad Al-Husna 20684 2 Nurul Hafizha Bt. Nurdin 20749 3 Nurul Nabilah Binti Azhari 20715 4 Nurul Syazwanee Binti Mohd Saupee 20826 5 Ong Wei Qiang 20738 6 Razin Amsyar Bin Rose Aza 21057 7 Sameer Singh A.L. Dara Singh 21252 8 Sennjiv Allagu 21105 9 Shah Hafia Hanif Bin Hussain 20760 10 Shrimad A/L Ganesan 20879 PSYCOSOCIAL HAZARDs ABSTRACT Psychosocial hazards occurs in workplaces and it affected the workers to focus on their work. However, we still can find solution and the ways to solve and prevent from the psychosocial hazards happened. INTRODUCTION Psychosocial…show more content…
Workplace bullying has been identified as an important risk and hazard across all the federal jurisdictions. However, if bullying and other workplace conflict is identified and dealt with early the situation can be addressed and resolved, preventing bullying from becoming acceptable behaviour which can result in workplace injury. Risk Bullying in the workplace can cause significant psychosocial risk to workers who experience or witnesses such behaviour. Psychosocial risks may arise from the poor management of risk factors such as work design, lack of implementing change management strategies, high/inappropriate job demands or lack of control over work. Psychosocial risks are one of the main causes of workplace stress leading to a deterioration of a workers' mental health. The presence of bullying in the workplace can be a result of poor workplace culture supported by an environment which allows such behaviour to occur. Poor people management skills and lack of supportive leadership can also add to the stress. The effects of workplace bullying on a worker vary according to the nature of the bullying behaviour, but may…show more content…
Customer aggression can be influenced by the work characteristics of an organisation, the location of a workplace, the attributes of the customer, the skills and capability of employees in managing the hazard and performing their normal work, workplace culture, and the design of the environment. Risk The adverse effects of exposure to customer aggression can affect an organisation in many ways. Customer aggression may result in injury to employees and contribute to injury management expenses and workers’ compensation costs. If customer aggression is not well managed it is also likely to have many direct and indirect costs to employers. These can include: • recruitment costs when high turnover occurs • training of new staff when there is increased turnover • salary costs when employees are absent from

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