Workplace Bullying Case Study

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As the global economy continues to expand and evolve, corporate cultures are also in a state of fluctuation. As these corporate cultures change issues developed in the workplace arise. One of these many issues is workplace bullying. This topic is a serious matter and is evident in many organizations around the world. The effects of this phenomenon can be potentially harmful not only to the victim but also to the organization itself. It is vital that steps are taken to stop bullying once it starts and prevent it before it happens. Before these steps can be taken, the issue must be completely understood. Viewing communication as organization will allow for a deeper evaluation of bullying in the workplace. With this understanding, solutions to…show more content…
In this particular case study, Leon-Perez was observing a Spanish organization. Because of the hierarchical structure of this organization Leon-Perez (2014) states that, “workplace bullying in Spain is more often a top–down process from superiors to their subordinates” (p. 1170). Since bullying in these organizations does originate with superiors, it is more likely to be viewed as a part of normal work life and accepted as a part of corporate life. Because this type of bullying does come from a superior, victims are less likely to report this harassment in fear of the negative consequences that they may receive. Each organization has a different understanding of what bullying is, and as an employee the individual will have to assimilate to that culture. This can be a difficult process if the values held by the employee do not correlate with those of the…show more content…
To create an ethical and inviting workplace that also reduces workplace bullying managers can utilize the method of transformational leadership. This can be a very effective tool when used properly according to Astrauskaite (2014) and should include, “establishing shared vision and teamwork, empowering followers to cope with stress, creating circumstances for positive conflict management and contributing to followers' self-esteem” (p. 229). When all of these aspects are in play, transformational leadership allows every worker to feel like they are a part of the group, satisfying the need to belong. With every member feeling as if they belong, they no longer are have feelings that would promote behaviors that lead to bullying, thereby reducing the overall amount of workplace bullying going on within the

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