Women In World War 2 Essay

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There have been many stories and information on many different topics on World War 2, but this one is about the roles of women during the war. But were they used in the most effective manner? During these times, women faced discrimination because they were considered “fragile” and not physically favorable enough for hard work. But, how the war brought changes is that it gave women a chance to prove that they were enthusiastic enough to do harder work, after all, they did. So I believe that the roles of women in World War 2 were used in the most effective manner, shaping our world today because the amount of women going to college for educational purposes has increased and are moving into jobs that used to be done by men, women are looked at differently these days, and that women have more rights and more movements have happened. Now some may argue that absolutely nothing has changed surrounding women and those feminist movements that have occuring in the last couple of decades, but as you read you will want to disagree with that. During World War 2, women served their country in a variety of roles. They served as entertainers with the USO, as nurses with the Red Cross…show more content…
Life was very different in the past, people went by “Women were weak, they need to be protected. Men are strong, furthermore, they are always better than women,” this is what most of the people have been thinking. The role of women in society has been greatly overseen in the last few decades, but now are coming to a more perspective to people. In the early days, women were seen as wives who were intended to cook, clean, and take care of the kids. They were not allowed to vote while the men took care of having jobs and paying any bills that had to be paid. I have three reasons why the jobs American women had in World War 2 changed the future for
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