Woman's Role In Society In The Weeds, By Mary Mccarthy And Judy Brady

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Tolebi Kalybek Student React Paper Woman’s role in the society is one of the most discussed topics in the 20th and 21st century. There are huge number of writers and activists, who argues traditional woman’s role in the society, that studied this phenomenon in different times. Mary McCarthy and Judy Brady also participated and left their sign in the promoting woman’s role in modern society. Mary McCarthy’s essay “The Weeds” was published in 1944 and describes the situation of status of women in society in 1940s, whereas Brady’s essay “I want a Wife”, published in 1971, show position of woman in society in 1970s. These two essays are very important in the studying aforementioned issue and to research development of role of woman in society through 3 decades. This essay attempts to answer following questions: Is it acceptable to use the style of writing used by authors? How did the period influenced to their form and style of writing? How their style influence on the audition?…show more content…
In 1940s US participated in World War 2. On the other hand, 1970s can be mentioned with ending of US forces operations in the Vietnam. In addition, 1970s can be named the time of great events: Watergate scandal, economic crisis. It is possible that the different times could affected to writers’ point of view. It is possible that in 1940s role of man was increased then in 1970s, because men took part in World War 2, whereas a lot of political movements against war in Vietnam took place in US, which possibly decrease the role of man in

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