Why Was Hiroshima Bombing Wrong

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On 2 September 1945, aboard the deck of USS Missouri, the signing of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender marked Japan’s unconditioned surrender to the Allies, officially drawing an end to the Second World War. One may conclude that, the end of World War Two was brought forward when the United States dropped the only two nuclear bombings recorded in history, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, in this essay, I will argue that the atomic bombings of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States (U.S.) were an act of terrorism, and that both cities were not legitimate military targets. Although, in many cases, it is difficult to determine between good and evil acts of politicised violence, but the bombings in both Japanese cities were ultimately wrong. The use of nuclear weapons as a mean to force Japan to surrender was unnecessary, brutal, harsh and violent, especially when the United States was aware that Japan was planning to surrender if it was not delayed by the worry of Emperor…show more content…
The devastating aftermath of ‘Little Man’ and ‘Fat Boy’ left Japan severely wounded and traumatised. All of those incinerated civilians in the nuclear vaporisation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the victims of violence more high-minded than terrorism (Drake, 2007). Moreover, before the U.S. dropped the nuclear bombs, Japan already had been defeated militarily by June 1945 (Weber, 1997). Japan was isolated; the Allies established an effective yet condensed blockade around the home islands (Pavlik, 1997). Thereby, the country was cut off from any source of potential daily essentials supplies with no enough raw materials to her civilian and

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