Invisible Man Ralph Ellison Research Paper

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In the 1940s, Ellison was writing about an American pilot who was captured by Nazi troops and was put in a war camp. He got the invisible man idea while he was in Vermont visiting his friends. Invisible man was described by Ellison, which was published in 1952, as “a novel about innocence and human error, struggle through a portrait of the artist as rabble- rouser”. He responded to the narrator’s questions of the struggle for equality and justice, Ellison stated that he is not concerned with injustice, but with art. Ellison published short stories and nonfiction stories, but he was mostly known for invisible man, he won the national book award and Russwurm award. He became the twentieth century most important African American authors. Ralph Waldo Ellison was born in March 1 1914, in Oklahoma City. He was named after a famous poet named Ralph Waldo Emerson. Ellison’s father Lewis loved his kids and reading books. His job was working as a coal and ice delivery. He was in an accident during work, he got stabbed with a shard of ice in his stomach. He later died when Ellison was about three years old. His mother was forced to raise both her sons Ellison and his brother Hebert alone, by working on number of jobs in order to support her family.…show more content…
Ellison played the cornet when he was eight years old. He went to the Alabama Tuskegee institute, where he went to study music. Ellison in 1936 was going to New York in the summer time so he can make enough money to pay for his college. Instead he worked at a program for the New York federal writers as a researcher. He then became friends with other famous writers such as Langston Hughes, Alan Locke, and Richard wright. At that that time Ellison published a lot of short stories and essays. He was also an editor manager for the Negro Quarterly later Ellison became a Marin Merchant cook during World War

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