Unitary Government Analysis

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Unitary- Advantages- you always feel like you belong. It inspires uniformity among the states of the nation, as well as patriotism because everyone has a major thing in common. Things happen on a large scale and very quickly within a unitary government. Since there is only one branch of power, things do not have lengthy processes to get through before being approved or put into effect. There are no local forms of government in a unitary government; there is no duplication and thus less taxpayer money being spent on the same services. Managing the economy of a country underneath a unitary government is as easy as could be. Since all of the laws pertaining to things like taxes span the entire nation, it is simple to manage the fluctuations…show more content…
The system becomes very easily bogged down with these smaller issues, that they rarely ever get resolved. Another major issue with unitary governments is that all local sense of security, community, and pride are lost. No one is allowed to go against the government, and everywhere you go in the nation is under the same rules. Opponents of unitary governments claim that all of its characteristics and inner workings are nothing but a dictatorship with a larger dictator. This is not untrue. Since there is only one unit of power, citizens become easily exploited for the government’s own benefit. There is no balance within a government like this, leaving many things up to chance. Confederate- Advantages- Many believed the Confederacy had better leaders, such as Robert E. Lee. The coastline is longer, which took more time to travel, and therefore capture. The Confederate soldiers knew the terrain better than their counterparts. A psychological aspect could say they were fighting for their land, their families, which could have been the driving force although they were vastly outnumbered. Disadvantages- Europe did not recognize the Confederacy, Without Europe recognizing the Confederacy, it was hard to get any foreign aid. The Confederacy had enough guns, but not enough men. The ratio of guns between Union and Confederacy was 32:1. They relied heavily on trade with foreign countries to produce necessities. The Union had naval advantage and blocked the Confederate's ports for

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